Saturday, July 31, 2010

Top 10 Runway picks: OVERKNEES in fall 2010 rtw collections

1. Christian Dior Photobucket

2. Christian Dior Photobucket

3. Burberry Prorsum Photobucket

4. Christian Dior Photobucket

5. Christian Dior Photobucket

6. Burberry Prorsum Photobucket

7. Alexander McQueen Photobucket

8. Christian Dior Photobucket

9. Jean Paul Gaultier Photobucket

10. Dsquared Photobucket

How to wear overknees and keep it classy:
- Don`t show more than 5 centimeters skin above the overknees.

- The ideal skirt-length covers the top of the overknees, they should only show when you sit or walk.

- Keep the overknees in tone with the outfit.

- Lighter colours like greys or nude tones tone down the sex-appeal a little and make them compatible with daylight.

- Wear them to full skirts, shorts or over skinny pants.

- Pair your overknees with something playful like colourful tights or feminine materials like lace.

- White blouses and blazers add seriousness to any outfit - to overknees too ;)

Picture source