Sunday, February 27, 2011
Makeup Tips!
Okay hi girls! I am a new Writer for this blog! I hope that I get to know you and everything! But today I am going to show you a makeup tip!
(It was taken before the makeover of Stardoll)
1. Purple DOT Eyeshadow
2. White DOT Eyeshadow
3. Black DOT Kohl Eyeliner
4. White DOT Kohl Eyeliner
1st. Apply the black kohl eyeliner to the crest of the eye, then
continue to apply it a little to the left (or right. dependes on which eye)
The apply the white to the places of the eye where the are no eyeliner.
2nd. Apply then the purple eyeliner over the black eyeliner on both eye's.
3rd. Apply the white eyeshadow over the white eyeliner
4th. Apply the Jewerelly.
5th. You all Done!
NOTE: You can do this with ANY colour!
~Ryanne <3