Though you probably already know some tips on how to make your profile more attractive and get more responds, it’s sometimes good to review the most useful tips on what you should do to attract the right person online and what you shouldn’t do. Well, the best way is to keep your profile updated, log in regularly and quickly respond to messages.
Besides this, here are some more interesting DOs and DON’Ts which will be helpful to you:
DO: Ask a friend or two to view your profile on a dating site and give you suggestions. Listen attentively to their comments, because they want to make you happy and can give you some valuable tips on what to improve.
DO: If possible, try to find a single friend who will go in for online dating with you. It’s much more fun to share your experience with each other and inspire to go on a date.
DO: Refresh your photo on regularly. Like on Facebook, your photos should look new, unusual and it would be better if you were photographed when doing something interesting, not just posing. Also, try to have different variants of photos, including a full body shot.
DO: Pick a profile name that expresses the real you. Instead of writing something boring and common like “Sexy Girl” use a more unique name that will be associated with you.
And at last one important DON’T.
DON’T: Be intimidating. If you demand a response when sending a message to someone, you’re less likely to get one. Also, if you write in your profile something like “no cheaters”, it possesses the wrong message (that you’re still thinking of your previous relationship). Be light, flirt with other users – it’s perfectly fine, and just communicate and discuss your interests. And leave your previous relationship behind.