Sunday, July 24, 2011

5 Most Effective Cardio Workouts

Cardio refers to activities that stress your cardiovascular system, which consists of your heart and lungs. Cardio exercises can be both aerobic and anaerobic, depending on intensity and duration. Short, hard workouts tend to be primarily anaerobic, whereas longer duration but easier workouts are aerobic. There are a variety of cardio options you can use to improve aerobic and anaerobic conditioning.
Running is an effective way to develop aerobic fitness. Long, slower-paced runs will improve your general fitness, which is important for longer bouts of combat, and shorter, faster runs will increase anaerobic fitness. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, running is accessible, can be performed almost anywhere, requires minimal equipment and it burns fat.
Tire Flips
Flipping a large tire is a traditional strongman activity and, according to sports conditioning expert Martin Rooney, an effective martial arts training exercise. Tire flipping develops muscular power and endurance while improving your anaerobic fitness. Large tires such as those found on trucks are best, but even smaller tires can be used for high-repetition flipping. To flip a tire, stand close to the tire and bend down. Grip the underside of the tire and, keeping your arms straight, push with your legs and pull with your arms in one smooth but rapid movement. As the tire flips, push it over and then immediately perform another rep. Perform this exercise for distance, repetitions or time.
Jumping Rope
Jumping rope, sometimes called skipping, requires minimal space and is a mainstay of training for martial artists and boxers. In addition to improving your conditioning, jumping rope also helps eye-foot-hand coordination, leg endurance and foot speed. Jump rope for periods of 20 minutes or more to develop aerobic fitness, or perform repeated 90-second high-speed intervals with 30 seconds rest between efforts to develop anaerobic fitness. If you jump rope extensively, wear supportive and cushioned shoes to minimize your risk of lower-limb injury and also try to work out on a forgiving surface such as a sprung wooden gym floor.
Hill Sprints
Hill sprints develop anaerobic fitness and leg power. You can use almost any hill for sprints, but the steeper the hill, the more challenging the workout. Once you have located your hill, sprint up as fast as you can and then walk or jog back to the start. Perform four to six sprints before taking a longer rest and repeating as often as you want. Before performing hill sprints, spend a few minutes jogging and then stretching to get your body ready for the more intense work to follow and minimize your risk of injury.
Burpees are a mainstay exercise of many martial artists and can improve muscular endurance as well as anaerobic fitness. To perform a burpee, stand with your feet together and your hands by your sides. Squat down and place your hands on the floor. Jump your feet back into the push-up position and perform a single push-up. Jump your feet back under your body so you are in a squat position and then leap as high as you can into the air. On landing, bend your knees, descend into another squat and repeat. You can perform burpees for time or repetitions.