Tuesday, July 26, 2011

6 Step Lower Thigh Conditioning

The National Academy of Sports Medicine indicates that tight muscles can lead to injury while working out or participating in sports. As a result, it is important to stretch and loosen up any tight muscles you may have. Your thighs are comprised of two main muscle groups -- your hamstrings and your quadriceps. Your hamstrings comprise the back of your thigh and your quadriceps comprise the front portion of your thigh. Tight thigh muscles can lead to instances of pain and strains. Stretches can help you loosen your lower thigh muscles.
Step 1
Warm up for five to 10 minutes prior to performing any thigh stretches. A warm-up can include taking a walk, using an elliptical machine, riding a stationary bike or jumping rope.
Step 2
Perform each stretch in one set of 10 repetitions, two time daily.
Step 3
Loosen up your hamstring muscles with straight leg raises. Lie on your back with one of your legs bent at the knee with your foot positioned flat on the ground. Your opposite leg -- the leg to be stretched -- should be fully extended in front of you with your heel touching the ground. Tighten your thigh muscles and slowly lift your straight leg off the ground -- lift until your leg is approximately 1 foot off of the ground. Hold this position for two seconds. Relax and repeat on the opposite leg.
Step 4
Perform a seated hamstring stretch. Sit on the ground with your back straight. Position the leg you are about to stretch straight in front of you. Your other leg can remain bent. Slowly lean forward at your waist in an effort to touch your toes. You will feel a stretch in the back of your thigh. Hold this position for a count of 15 to 30 seconds. Relax and repeat.
Step 5
Stretch your quadriceps with a standing quad stretch. Stand in front of a chair, table or counter top for balance with your legs straight -- do not lock your knees. Take your hand and grasp the ball of one of your feet -- if stretching the right leg use your right hand and vice versa. Bend your knee backwards in the direction of your buttocks. You should feel a stretch in the front of your thigh. Hold this position for 15 seconds. Relax and repeat.
Step 6
Complete a lying quadriceps stretch. Lie on your stomach with your legs extended so that you heels are facing the ceiling. Your legs should be positioned close together. Take the heel of one of your feet -- use your hand for help if necessary -- and bring it toward your buttocks. You will feel a light pull in the front of your thigh. Hold this position for a count of 15 seconds. Relax and repeat.