Saturday, July 23, 2011

Benefits of Cardio Endurance Exercises?

Cardiovascular, or aerobic exercise, works all of the large muscle groups in your body. A workout can consist of walking, running, swimming, dancing, cycling. Doing regular cardio exercises not only can help you lose and maintain your weight -- it can also improve your heart health and cut your risk for chronic diseases. Ask your doctor if you are healthy enough to begin doing cardio.
Weight Control
Cardio exercises get your heart pumping, and they also burn off those extra calories and fat. When you combine regular workouts with eating right, they can help you keep your weight under control. Performing just a half an hour of aerobic activity most or all days of the week is enough to maintain your current weight. You can break this up into 10-minute increments, and remember that tasks such as mowing the lawn, vacuuming and other household activities can count toward your daily goal.
Heart Health
Your heart and cardiovascular health can benefit greatly from regular cardio exercise. Aerobic activities help to lower your blood pressure and prevent heart disease, and they can also improve the health of your vessels and vascular functions, allowing your blood to flow more efficiently throughout your body. If you have had a heart attack, beginning a regular exercise program can reduce your risk of having another, and it may even lower your risk of death by 20 percent to 25 percent, according to the American Heart Association.
Ward Off Diseases
Keeping excess fat from accumulating on your body can cut your risk of developing certain chronic diseases, and using cardio exercise to do this can provide even more benefits. Cardio wards off type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol and some kinds of cancer, and if you perform weight-bearing aerobics such as jogging, it can cut lessen your chances of developing osteoporosis. Regular aerobic activity also strengthens your immune system, making you less likely to catch viral illnesses and keeping your body healthier overall.
Never Too Late
When you add cardio to your daily life, your stamina for other activities will increase, as will your strength. This can help keep you active as you get older, and it can also improve your mental health. It is never too late to begin exercising, but you should always consult with your doctor before doing so. Tell her about any health conditions you have, as well those that are in your family history, and let her know if you smoke as well. She can help you determine how much cardio you can safely perform and give you tips on how to begin.