Her royal hotness. Lord of the arse-tocracy. Queen of the booty.
She may be a commoner and not a Duchess like sister Kate, but ever since April, Pippa Middleton has become the style princess of the UK and beyond.
Thanks to a form-fitting Alexander McQueen maid-of-honor gown, Pippa's captivated couture critics, workout fanatics and plastic surgery lovers alike.

“The latest craze here in the U.S. and across the world is to get the ‘Pippa Butt Lift,’” Miami-based celebrity plastic surgeon Dr. Constantino Mendieta said.
Whether women go the surgical route or not, “Once the breasts reigned supreme, now it's the buttocks that are considered the best asset,” he adds.
The giant badonkadonk is also out.
While it was once trendy to boost a booty to mimic Kim Kardashian, “booty calls” for those two have been bumped for something Pippa-esque.
Mendieta explains:
“The buttocks has been an increasing and escalating interest over the last 4-5 years, but the iconic figure was Jennifer Lopez and Kim Kardashian."
"Both have tremendous curves and large buttocks. While lots of people love their overall shape, many felt those derrieres were just a bit too big.”
“But ever since the royal wedding, Pippa Middleton has become the new queen of the booty! She opens the doors to those who did not know you could have this small, shapely and perky backside without the large size."
There are also entire websites and blogs now dedicated to the younger Middleton’s posterior, not to mention appreciation pages on Facebook.
Photographer Alison Jackson told the Daily Mail that she is working to create a Web series called, "How To Create The Perfect Pippa Bottom.”
On the fitness front, Pippa’s Pilates instructor Margot Campbell has inked a book deal to detail just how one shapes up like her famous client.
But it’s not just Middleton’s bottom half that has folks talking.
“I am definitely seeing a rise in Pippa-like features,” Constantino said. “People want their clothes and body to look sexy, elegant and petite overall.”
[Photos: Fame Pictures]