Friday, July 29, 2011

Clinical Trials of Antioxidant Supplementation

Clinical Trials of Antioxidant Supplementation 
There are several clinical trials of antioxidant supplementation underway at present that ne designed to clarify the effects of antioxidant supplementation on CVD. In each of these :rials, doses of vitamin E greater than 200 mg/d are being used, which should be sufficient to crease serum levels at least two- to three-fold. The Women's Health Study is a primary revention trial investigating the effects of vitamin E, p-carotene, and aspirin on CVD and cancer in 40,000 women aged 50 yr and over. In France, the Supplementation vitamins, minerals and antioxidant (SU.VI. MAX) Trial is testing a combination of antioxidant vitamins including vitamin E, vitamin C, and p-carotene in 15,000 healthy men and women.
The Heart Protection Study in Oxford is investigating the effects of vitamin E, vitamin C, and p-carotene in 18,000 subjects with above average risk of MI, and a secondary prevention trial using the same three vitamins in 8000 women has been established in the United States 'Women's Antioxidant Cardiovascular Disease Trial, WACDR). The Heart Outcomes Protection Study is also assessing vitamin E in 9000 persons with previous MI, stroke, or peripheral vascular disease and diabetic patients.