A pullup bar can help you to build upper-body strength, improve core stability and burn a large amount of calories. Implementing various pullup styles into your exercise regimen will help you to target different muscle groups. Pullup bars can be found at local gyms, parks or purchased for home use, usually as door attachments or freestanding pullup bars.
Wide Grip Pullup
A wide grip pullup will target your upper back and lats, or the side of your ribcage. Start by grasping a pullup bar with a firm overhand grip and your hands separated by a distance roughly twice the width of your shoulders. This wide grip will ensure you are targeting your lats. Allow your body to hang from the bar with your arms straightened, then pull yourself upward so that your chest nearly touches the bar and your chin is over the bar. Keep your body straight without arching or swinging throughout the pull. Once your chin is over the bar, lower yourself to the starting position and repeat.
Close Grip Pullup
Grasp the pullup bar with an overhand grip slightly more narrow then shoulder width. Allow your body to hang, then contract your lats and back to pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar. Hold for a count, then slowly lower your body to the starting position. Repeat for desired repetitions.
A chinup will target your biceps in addition to your back. Start a chinup by grasping the pullup bar with your palms facing you, underhand grip, and allow your body to hang freely. Take a breath at this point, since it's easier than at the top of the movement when you're contracting your muscles, says StrongLifts website. Contract your biceps and back to bend your elbows and lift your chin over the bar. Hold the chin up for a count before lowering back to the starting position then repeat.
Hanging Knee Raises
Use a pullup bar to target your abdominal region by hanging from the bar. Begin the hanging knee raise by grasping the pullup bar with a shoulder-width grip with your palms facing away from you. Hang from the bar with your arms straightened, then contract your abs and hips to lift your knees up toward your chest. Hold for a count, then lower your legs to the starting position. Keep your legs straight for a variation on the exercise to increase intensity.