Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Preparing yourself for Crossfit Trianing?

CrossFit training is based on an inclusive, broad and general approach to fitness in which you do not specialize in any one aspect of physical performance. The goal of a CrossFit program is to prepare you to best respond to any physically demanding event in your daily life. The exercises are to improve your cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, stamina, flexibility, power, coordination, agility, balance, speed and accuracy -- not to run your fastest mile. Whether you are a runner, weight trainer or if you have been sedentary, you can start CrossFit without training as long as you begin slowly.
Step 1
Perform a light warm-up for 10 to 15 minutes before your session. Walk and jog slowly for 10 minutes then do 10 body weight squats, 10 push-ups against a wall and jump on your toes 10 times as if you were using a jump rope, increasing your heart rate and blood circulation for a more challenging routine to come.
Step 2
Include dynamic stretches for your legs such as front kicks walking across the hall, rotational kicks in a stationary position and lunging into a runner's stretch. Rotate your arms at your shoulder joints in multiple directions to stretch the muscles crossing your shoulder joint, preparing them for your workout.
Step 3
Complete one static stretch per muscle group, holding each stretch for no more than five seconds to limber-up your muscles and joints. Stretch your chest, neck, shoulders, arms, glutes, inner thighs, outer thighs, quads, hamstrings and calves.
Step 4
Perform only three sets of one resistance exercise per muscle group, using no weight or a very light weight. Do squats without the barbell, bench presses with a light barbell and push-ups on your knees; these are beginning exercises you must master before you can progress to powerlifting exercises such as dead lifts and push presses.
Step 5
Add one more exercise, one more set or increase the weight you are using progressively, as your training continues.
Step 6
Build up your cardiovascular endurance by adding five minutes to the duration of aerobic exercises, before you increase the intensity of your training. Do a run and walk workout for 10 minutes, adding five minutes to every session until you get to 30 minutes.
Step 7
Increase the intensity of your aerobic exercise by incorporating an interval workout such as sprinting for 30 seconds and walking for two minutes totaling 20 to 25 minutes.
Step 8
Add agility, balance, accuracy and coordination exercises once you have a solid base of muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance. Include side shuffles with ball throws using a training partner at the end of your strengthening or aerobic routine.
Step 9
Incorporate advanced exercises such as box jumps, kettlebell swings and Tabata squats into your routine. Add combative exercises like the bear hug drill, elevator safety and ripping the elbow to round out your inclusive, CrossFit training program.
Step 10
End every exercise session with a cool down, including stretching your muscles at least two times per stretch, holding each stretch for 15 to 30 seconds; this type of stretching can permanently elongate your muscles, generating more power because you will move through a greater range of motion.
Tips and Warnings
Eat a pre-workout meat including whole grains about two hours before your workout so you have plenty of energy to do a CrossFit routine.
If you skip the warm-up and do much in your first CrossFit session, you will be excessively sore. You may also end up straining your muscles or spraining your joints.