Your shoulder muscles, technically known as deltoids, are broken into three different sections: the front, side and rear. Your front and side deltoids often receive stimulation from doing other types of exercises, but the rear deltoids require specific movements to target them effectively. Rear deltoid development helps round out your upper-body physique when viewed from behind. BodyBuilding suggests training your rear deltoids once every four days.
Upright Rows
Step 1
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a barbell or dumbbells in front of your thighs with an overhand grip.
Step 2
Lift the weight straight up, staying 1 to 2 inches from your body and stopping just under your chin. Squeeze your trapezius muscles and rear deltoids at the top of the movement.
Step 3
Lower the bar or dumbbells back to the starting position slowly and repeat the movement. The exercise works both the trapezius and rear deltoids.
Bent-Over Laterals
Step 1
Sit on a flat bench with your feet close together and flat on the floor.
Step 2
Pick up a dumbbell in each hand and bend forward until your chest is almost on your thighs.
Step 3
Hold the dumbbells under your legs with your palms facing each other and slowly raise them until your elbows are at shoulder height. Keep your elbows at a 10- to 30-degree angle throughout the movement.
Step 4
Lower the weights back to the starting point and repeat.
Cable Rear Deltoid Rows
Step 1
Attach a straight bar to a standard gym rowing station.
Step 2
Sit on the seat and grasp the bar with a wide, overhand grip.
Step 3
Lean back and pull the bar toward your chest, stopping just below your neck. Keep your elbows high and out to the sides, and your upper arms horizontal throughout the movement.
Step 4
Squeeze your rear deltoids at the top of the movement and then slowly move the bar back to the start and repeat.
Tips and Warnings
Perform bent-over laterals from a standing position with a straight back if you don't have a bench. Use lighter weights than you would for other shoulder exercises.