Saturday, July 23, 2011

What are the benefits of Joggoing in Place?

Although you may not think jogging in place affords much variety or many benefits, think again. If you can't get to the gym and don't have access to a treadmill, elliptical or other workout machine, jogging in place and its variations are one way to effectively raise your heart rate, burn calories and break a sweat without a lot of space or special equipment.
Basic Jog
A basic jog is the place to start if you're not used to working out or if you need some time to become familiar with the rhythm of jogging. You can pace yourself however you like, but it's helpful to warm up by walking or marching in place for a few minutes before you take it up to a jog. Ideally, your jogging pace should raise your heart rate to the aerobic zone so that you efficiently burn calories. reports that 60 minutes of jogging can burn close to 600 calories for a 160-lb. person.
Butt Kicks
When you're used to the basic jogging motion, you may want to try a few variations. Butt kicks require a greater range of motion and are more powerful movements, especially if you get your arms involved and swing them up and down or from side to side while you do the exercise. The object is to kick your butt with your heel each time your foot leaves the ground. Again, you can go as quickly or as slowly as you'd like, but a faster pace will burn more calories.
High Knees
High knees are the reverse version of butt kicks. Instead of throwing your heels backward, you'll tilt your pelvis up and raise your knees as high as you can each time your feet leave the ground. Try to get your knees to hip level or higher. To occupy your arms, you can pump them in a jogging motion or drop your hands to touch your knees each time they come up.
Jump Rope
Jumping rope at home doesn't require any more space than jogging, and you don't even need a rope. Instead of alternately lifting your feet, lift them together in a series of small leaps. Try to land softly to minimize the force of impact and ease any strain on your muscles and joints. Jumping rope is fantastic for toning your calves, and it's also a great calorie burner; according to, a 160-lb. person doing jump rope for 60 minutes will burn more than 700 calories.
Boxer Shuffle
The boxer shuffle is just what it sounds like: a loose, relaxed shuffle from side to side that can be used as a warm-up and cool-down or as a way to ease into other movements. Stay light on your feet during a boxer shuffle, and keep your knees bent.
Jogging in place can be a worthwhile substitute for other cardio activities if you do it often enough. The American Council on Exercise recommends doing some form of aerobic activity for at least 30 minutes at a time on three or four days per week for health maintenance and 45 minutes or longer at a time on five or six days per week for weight loss.