For a complete workout, it's important to follow a fitness triangle model that includes aerobic, stretching and strength training exercises, says HealthPoint Fitness at Southeast Missouri Hospital. All three work together and, when performed routinely, promote total fitness. One of the most efficient forms of aerobic exercise is running. It keeps you cardio-strong, burns calories and builds stamina. Incorporating stretching into pre-running exercises will help you warm up for running and keep you limber. Stretching also aids in preventing muscle strain.
Heels To Buttocks
From a standing position, reach back and grab your right foot and pull it in toward your buttocks. Hold for about 20 seconds. Avoid leaning forward since you want a stretch in your hip flexors as well as your quadriceps, according to the Cool Running website. Keep your body erect during the stretch but don't lock your supporting knee. Switch to the left side for the stretch and repeat.
Toe Touch
The ability to touch your toes is a sign of fitness, and as a pre-running exercise, it helps you stretch out your back and legs before a run. From a standing position, reach forward and down toward your toes and try to touch them. Hold for approximately 20 seconds. If you're not used to the stretch, don't strain to reach your toes. Also, if your muscles are super tight, just shoot for touching your knees or shins at first until you get used to the exercise. Stretch farther a bit more each time to warm up before running.
Wall Push
It's crucial to warm up your calf muscles before running to avoid cramping and injury. Stand near a wall and face it; place your hands directly in front of you flat on the wall. Extend your arms without locking your elbows. While keeping your legs straight, bend your elbows so that your face moves closer to the wall. Hold for about 20 seconds and repeat. Stand farther away from the wall for a deeper stretch.
Hamstring Stretch
There are several ways to perform hamstring stretches for a pre-running exercise. The easiest way is from a sitting position on the floor. Extend both legs straight out in front of you and lean over to touch your shins. You can reach farther, but be careful not to strain your back. Keep your neck relaxed and look at your toes during the stretch. Perform the pre-running exercise with one leg at a time instead for a deeper stretch. Keep the stretching leg straight out in front of you while you tuck the other leg into the opposite inner-thigh. Your foot should face the opposite thigh, and your knee should be bent, flat and pointing away from you. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds and repeat the stretch with the other leg.