Running is a terrific form of exercise. It requires no special equipment, you can run inside or outside, and the many charity runs and running clubs available provide support and incentive when needed. Running fast as a form of exercise is an excellent calorie burner, is a weight-bearing exercise that strengthens the bones, can lower your blood pressure and strengthen your heart and lungs. Running also stimulates the release of endorphins, which creates a sense of well being, making your workout more enjoyable.
Step 1
Wear the proper gear. Running doesn't require much special equipment, but a pair of well-fitted running shoes will keep you comfortable and injury free. There is no need for special running clothes, but choose items that fit snugly so your skin doesn't chafe.
Step 2
Warm up thoroughly. Jog easy for about 10 minutes and then stop and stretch. This will prepare your body for a tougher workout.
Step 3
Start running. There are several ways you can run fast for exercise. You can run short sprints with recovery walks or jogs between each sprint, or you can run a tempo run or fartlek. Short sprints, of 100 or 200 m, are easiest to do on a track. Make your recovery walk or jog the same distance as your sprint.
For a tempo run, maintain a pace faster than your normal jog that you can maintain for 2 to 3 miles. Finish with a mile cool-down jog. To run a fartlek workout, intersperse sprints into your regular run. For example, run at your normal pace, then look ahead for a landmark, such as a telephone pole, and sprint to that point. When you reach it slow down to your normal pace. Work 10 to 12 fartlek sprints into your run.
Step 4
Mix it up. Don't do the same workout every day. One day run sprints on the track, for your next workout do a tempo run through your neighborhood.
Step 5
Run often. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends a minimum of 75 minutes of vigorous activity each week, with additional health benefits if you increase the amount of time you exercise to 150 minutes each week. You can break this up into exercise periods as short as 10 minutes and still get the health benefits from exercise.