Monday, August 15, 2011

Effective Shoulder Exercises

A physical therapist will often recommend auto-assisted shoulder exercises to aid your recovery from injury or surgery. In this, you need to assist the movement of the affected shoulder or arm to perform strengthening exercises. While you can implement many of these types of exercises manually, by holding the elbow or upper portion of the affected arm with your healthy arm, you can also do pulley exercises, in which both hands pull and push a pulley attachment to effectively complete shoulder-strengthening exercises. Consult your physician before beginning an auto-assisted shoulder exercise routine.
One-Arm Military Press
Perform military presses with the injured arm by using a lightweight dumbbell and assisting the motion with your healthy arm. Hold the dumbbell at shoulder-height and hold your opposite hand to your elbow for extra support and strength. Slowly push the weight into the air above your shoulder until your arm is straight. Perform two to three sets of eight to 10 repetitions, or otherwise directed by your doctor or physical therapist.
One-Arm Front Raise
Like one-arm military presses, front raises are also possible with a single arm. Grasp a light dumbbell in the hand of the injured shoulder and use your healthy arm to hold and give support to your elbow. Raise the dumbbell straight out in front of your body until your arm is parallel with the floor. Keep your arm straight throughout the duration of this exercise. Perform two to three sets of eight to 10 repetitions.
Standing Rows
Cable shoulder exercises allow you to use both arms during the exercise, helping to take pressure off your injured shoulder. Use a low amount of weight as your shoulder heals and progresses with strength. Connect a t-bar or rope attachment to the cable and grasp the attachment with both hands. Beginning with your arms straight and in front of your body, perpendicular to the floor, pull the cable up by bending your arms out to your sides. Continue pulling until your hands are at chin-height and your forearms are parallel to the floor. Perform two or three sets of eight to 10 repetitions.
Deltoids Presses
Using strength training machines will also help you strengthen your injured shoulder by allowing your opposite arm to help bear the weight of the exercise. Using a deltoids press machine, select a low weight that you can lift with only your healthy arm if necessary. Grasp your hands on the hand rests and push the arm of the machine upward until your arms are straightened. Maintain a straight back throughout this exercise. Perform two to three sets of eight to 10 repetitions.