Monday, August 15, 2011

How to Use Pillow for Back Exercises?

 Using a pillow for pelvic tilts and back exercises can give you additional support and isolated strengthening. Correct placement of the pillow is important for joint safety and correct execution. Choose a pillow that is wide enough and firm enough to provide support and stability.
Abdominal Pelvic Tilts
Step 1
Lie on your back with the pillow under your pelvis and extending past your buttocks. Place your hands behind your head with elbows open. Raise your legs and bend your knees and hips to 90 degrees.
Step 2
Inhale through your nose. Exhale, compress your abdomen downward into your spine and tilt your pelvis upward. Roll your buttocks up off the pillow with an abdominal muscle contraction.
Step 3
Inhale and control your slow return down to the pillow. Exhale and repeat for eight to 15 repetitions.
Pelvic Bridge
Step 1
Remain on your back with your pillow under your pelvis and buttocks. Lay your arms straight down your sides. Bend your knees up and place your feet flat on the floor.
Step 2
Inhale through your nose. Exhale and squeeze your buttocks up off your pillow. Tilt your pelvis up toward the ceiling.
Step 3
Inhale and slowly lower your spine one vertebrae at a time like laying a pearl necklace down one bead at a time. Exhale and repeat eight to 15 times
Single-Leg Lifts
Step 1
Lie on your stomach with your pillow under your pelvic bones. Lay your forehead on your stacked hands.
Step 2
Open your legs to a letter "V." Inhale through your nose. Exhale and raise your entire right leg into the air a few inches. Inhale and lower it. Exhale and repeat eight to 15 times. Switch legs.
Step 3
Lift both legs simultaneously. Inhale and lower your legs. Exhale and raise them again. Repeat eight to 15 times. This exercise will strengthen your back and buttocks.
Step 4
Vary the leg lift. Lift both legs at the same time. Bring your heels toward your buttocks. Straighten your legs out and lower them slowly. Repeat eight to 15 times. This will also engage your hamstring muscles.