Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Power of Asthanga Yoga

Ashtanga yoga, a physical and spiritual practice, is one of the more popular forms of yoga. Practicing yoga not only enables you to stay fit, it allows you to go on a spiritual and phsychological journey. While some yoga is more relaxing, focusing more on a meditative state, Ashtanga yoga is more physically challenging, revitalizing the body.
Meaning of Ashtanga
Ashtanga means "eight limbs." During an Ashtanga yoga practice, all eight limbs are focused on, emphasizing on one limb, then moving onto the next. The "eight limbs" of ashtanga yoga are yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi. The first two limbs are the suggestions on how we use our energy in relationship to our attitude toward ourselves and how we treat others around us. According to William J.D. Doran, "The five yamas tell us that our fundamental nature is compassionate, generous, honest and peaceful." Asana is flowing from one posture to the next, while calming the mind.
Some people who engage in Ashtanga yoga do not practice when there is a new or full moon. Emma Hicks, an Ashtanga teacher and practitioner, says "This is because the moon has a direct effect on our bodies, by affecting the water within us, as it does on tides." Full moons bring things to the surface, playing with our emotions, such as our relationships or projects, according to Hicks. New moons cause you to second guess, or rethink a situation, such as a commitment.
People who practice Ashtanga yoga put an emphasis on nonviolence. Therefore, most do not eat meat. Depending on how the animal was killed, Ashtanga practitioners believe you could possibly become violent if you eat the meat. After the animal is killed, the meat is dead. Therefore, if eaten, the meat could make you toxic as well.
Power Yoga
Ashtanga yoga is also known as power yoga, a fast-moving, challenging exercise routine that develops strength, flexibility and stamina. Ashtanga yoga positions challenge your body to get into various positions. These positions include inverted, balancing, seated or twisting movements, such as downward dog, standing forward bend, the sun salutation or mountain pose.