No one is asking who they are anymore. The tall, blonde French beauties, the Courtin-Clarins sisters—Claire and Virginie, frequently seen in Vuitton, and their cousins, Jenna and Prisca—who were spotted perched front-row during the Fall 2011 shows in New York and Paris, have a new seat of honor: on Vanity Fair’s International Best-Dressed List, released today. (They’re in the “siblings” category alongside the Delevingne sisters, Cara, Chloe, and Poppy.) Other new additions to this year’s list: Michelle and Barack Obama (who have appeared separately before but are named together for the first time as a Best-Dressed Couple); Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge; Shala Monroque; Justin Timberlake; and “Fashion Original” Janelle Monáe. The full list is here.
Photo: Billy Farrell /