Warm up the muscles before your run with at least five to 10 minutes of exercise. According to FamilyDoctor.org, "With every mile that is run, the feet must absorb 110 tons of energy," and stretching exercises ensure that the muscles are loose and relaxed, which reduces the risk of injury. Perform stretches slowly and smoothly, without bouncing or jerky movement, and only stretch until you feel tension.
Hamstring Exercise
The hamstring muscles, on the back of the upper leg, help the legs to flex at the knee while running. Without a warmup exercise, they may become too stressed, resulting in hamstring strains. For a basic hamstring stretch, sit on the ground with your legs extended. Bend your right leg, bringing the foot level with the knee of your left leg. Inhale and lift out of the spine, and as you exhale, bend the upper body forward until you feel a stretch in the upper hamstring of the left leg. Keep the back straight and shoulders down, and hold the stretch for 15 to 20 seconds. Repeat on the other side.
Quadriceps Exercise
The quadriceps work to straighten and extend the leg as you run. They lie along the front of the upper thighs. To stretch the quads, stand straight with your hands at your sides and your feet hip-width apart. You might need a chair or wall for support. Slowly bend your right knee behind you, bringing your foot up to meet your right arm. Pull the leg gently, and try to touch the foot to your buttocks. Hold this position for 10 to 15 seconds, then repeat on the other side. You should feel a stretch along the front of your upper thigh.
Calf Exercise
Stretch the calf muscles along the back of the lower legs before you go for a run. Stand 2 or 3 feet away from a wall, with your feet hip-width apart. Extend the arms in front of you, bracing your body with the palms flat against the wall. Inhale, and as you exhale, bend your elbows and bring your face close to the wall. Keep the legs straight and extend through the spine. You should feel a stretch along the back of the lower legs. Hold the pose for 15 to 20 seconds. To make this exercise more challenging, you can stand with the balls of the feet on a book, with the heels extending over the back.
Hamstring Exercise
The hamstring muscles, on the back of the upper leg, help the legs to flex at the knee while running. Without a warmup exercise, they may become too stressed, resulting in hamstring strains. For a basic hamstring stretch, sit on the ground with your legs extended. Bend your right leg, bringing the foot level with the knee of your left leg. Inhale and lift out of the spine, and as you exhale, bend the upper body forward until you feel a stretch in the upper hamstring of the left leg. Keep the back straight and shoulders down, and hold the stretch for 15 to 20 seconds. Repeat on the other side.
Quadriceps Exercise
The quadriceps work to straighten and extend the leg as you run. They lie along the front of the upper thighs. To stretch the quads, stand straight with your hands at your sides and your feet hip-width apart. You might need a chair or wall for support. Slowly bend your right knee behind you, bringing your foot up to meet your right arm. Pull the leg gently, and try to touch the foot to your buttocks. Hold this position for 10 to 15 seconds, then repeat on the other side. You should feel a stretch along the front of your upper thigh.
Calf Exercise
Stretch the calf muscles along the back of the lower legs before you go for a run. Stand 2 or 3 feet away from a wall, with your feet hip-width apart. Extend the arms in front of you, bracing your body with the palms flat against the wall. Inhale, and as you exhale, bend your elbows and bring your face close to the wall. Keep the legs straight and extend through the spine. You should feel a stretch along the back of the lower legs. Hold the pose for 15 to 20 seconds. To make this exercise more challenging, you can stand with the balls of the feet on a book, with the heels extending over the back.