Stiff connective tissue supports the joints of the average person. The connective tissue in those with hyperflexible joints, however, is stretchier and lacks support. People with hyperflexible ankles are prone to ankle sprains and have tight hip and knee muscles.The key to balancing hyperflexibility is developing strength and coordination. A daily yoga practice helps you strengthen muscles to support your ankles. Flowing through poses builds coordination and confidence. Consult a doctor before starting a new exercise routine.
Mountain Pose
Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Press the four corners of each foot evenly into the ground. Engage the muscles in your feet and lower legs so that your arches lift and your ankles do not roll in. Maintain a firm foundation as you stand tall. Engage your core and roll your shoulders down your back. Feel your spine grow tall as you keep your feet balanced and engaged on the ground.
Tree Pose
Come into mountain pose, but place your hands on your hips. Shift your weight onto your left foot, maintaining a raised arch. Lift your right foot so the toes touch the mat and the right heel rests lightly on the left ankle. Bend your knee and point it to your right side. Hold the pose for several breaths, then switch sides. When your ankles grow stronger, try positioning the raised foot further up the leg. Never push your raised foot directly into your knee.
Warrior I
Slowly step your left foot back three to four feet and turn it to a 45 to 60 degree angle. Point your right foot at a 90 degree angle toward the front of your mat. The heel of your right foot should line up to the arch of your back foot. Point your hips forward and reach your arms overhead. Balance your weight between your front and back foot, digging the edge of your left foot firmly into the floor. Hold for several breaths then repeat on the other side.
Sun Salutations
Practice sun salutations to develop coordination and stretch many of the major muscles in your body. Sun salutations begin in mountain pose then flow through forward fold and low lunge. From the low lunge, balance in pushup position and then slowly lower your body to the floor. Finish the sun salute by flowing through cobra pose and downward dog. Move slowly and mindfully during sun salutes, while breathing through each posture