Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Easy Yoga Styles for Pregnant Mommy

Yoga is a form of exercise that focuses on both the mind and body, increasing fitness and mental awareness. Many pregnant women wonder if they can practice yoga during their pregnancy using a normal yoga video. While moderate exercise during a low-risk pregnancy is considered safe by the American Pregnancy Association, there are some precautions pregnant women must take when practicing yoga. The breathing and stretching portions, for example, require some modifications. Regular yoga videos and classes can be used provided the pregnant women skips poses not fit for pregnant women. Speak with your physician about what portions of your yoga tape you should skip.
Controlled breathing is an important feature of yoga, and signifies vitality and energy. Yoga breathing exercises can help you achieve calm and peace of mind. The PregnancyWeekly website suggests that such exercises can help you breathe more deeply, triggering feelings of relaxation. Many women find these exercises helpful during labor.
Asanas, or poses, are the foundation of yoga exercise, but there are several you should avoid during pregnancy. The BabyCenter website recommends skipping all poses that require you to lie on your back; also recommends that pregnant women also skip any inverted poses. PregnancyWeekly seconds these recommendations and adds any poses that require you to lie on your belly to the forbidden list. Skip any pose that makes you feel uncomfortable and be aware that your center of gravity changes as your pregnancy progresses.
Stress Relief recommends yoga as an alternative treatment for stress reduction, because it can draw your attention away from outside distractions and forces you to focus on poses that require concentration and balance. The American Pregnancy Association recommends that pregnant women include relaxation and stretching exercises before and after exercising. Therefore, when used in combination with precautions and modifications, yoga can greatly benefit pregnant women.
Using a normal yoga video while pregnant requires you to be vigilant about taking precautions. instructs all pregnant women to speak to their physician before beginning yoga or any exercise routines. The American Pregnancy Association advises that pregnant women avoid all poses that are deemed unsuitable for pregnant women and make sure to listen to their bodies to avoid exhaustion. Take frequent breaks, eat healthily and drink plenty of fluids. "Hot," or Bikram, yoga, is not appropriate for pregnant women.