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Izabel Goulart Introduction
While shopping for groceries with her mother at age 14, a hairstylist suggested that Izabel should become a model. She moved to the state's capital São Paulo and started modeling. Fourteen is pretty old in the modeling world to be stripped from your family and put into the hands of often-pedophilic strangers. But it seemed to all work out.
Izabel Goulart Life Story
During Goulart's first ever fashion show appearance, she experienced a wardrobe malfunction. In her own words:
“For some reason everyone was wearing clothes and they put a bikini on me,” she says. “They tied up the bikini and put the top part behind my back and I was like ‘Guys that’s not going to work out. I’m not feeling comfortable with that. It’s going to fall.’ They’re like, ‘No you’re fine with this. Go girl, go!’ And then I started walking down. I was really nervous, it was my first time and I felt my bikini top falling down. I felt as I was walking something was coming down slowly and I was like, ‘Oh my God, oh my God, help me,' and when I completely got in front of the photographers it fell. I was just frozen and I saw everyone around me standing up clapping and laughing.”
Izabel Goulart is best known for her accurate depiction of what heaven is really like, as one of the Victoria's Secret Angels.
She made her first appearance in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue in 2011.