Saturday, August 13, 2011

Inborn T-shirt Custoizing Talent of Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus has revealed she has an inborn talent to customize T-shirts by ripping them up.
The former ‘Hannah Montana’ loves to customize her own T-shirts when she has the time and admitted, it’s the only thing she can do well besides dance, sing and act.
She said: “I can dance, sing and act and I don’t really feel like I have another talent.
“But I can rip shirts really well, I can really really rip shirts really well, I can cut things, I’m good with scissors.” She added.
Miley is not the only budding fashion designer in her family, her younger sister Noah Cyrus, 11, is launching a children’s clothing range on Valentine’s Day.
According to the company’s press release, the range will feature “versatile styles that can be worn with sweet ballerina slippers, casual sneakers or paired with lace stockings and boots for more of a rock and roll look”.