Monday, August 15, 2011

Shaping Your Butt Round

Your backside might be your biggest problem area; you might think it's too flat or that it has too much fat. Although your genetics contributed to the shape of your butt that doesn't mean you're stuck with what you've got. You can use exercise, diet and even plastic surgery to enhance your derriere.
Step 1
Perform 5 to 10 different strength-training exercises for your butt at least twice a week. ShapeFit recommends the barbell squat, the lunge, one-legged cable kickbacks, glute kickbacks and hamstring curls. Each of these exercises engages your glute muscles while you are bearing weight, which will improve your muscular strength and endurance.
Step 2
Rest your butt muscles for at least 48 hours in between each workout. Your muscles repair and grow during rest periods, and if you work out sore muscles you can hinder this process. If your muscles still hurt after a rest period, wait an additional 24 hours before working out again.
Step 3
Execute low repetition and heavy weight training. This style of training builds more muscle tissue because you are forcing your muscles to overcome a larger challenge. Use weights that you can only complete between six and eight repetitions with.
Step 4
Do a minimum of 30 minutes of cardio exercises at least five days a week. Cardio exercise will help remove excess fat from your butt while also toning your rear. Focus on higher intensity exercises that engage your lower body like jumping rope, sprint intervals, running, cycling and kickboxing.
Step 5
Eat a clean diet. Avoid high-fat, greasy, sugary and empty calorie foods such as cookies, fast food, pizza, ice cream, candy, chips and cake. Focus on more nutrient-dense foods that fuel your body without adding excess body fat such as lean protein, low-fat dairy, vegetables, fruits and whole grains.
Step 6
Discuss plastic surgery with a licensed surgeon. If diet and exercise do not provide you with the results you want, you may want to consider butt implants or fat injections. Both of these surgeries are designed to add size, lift and a better shape to your butt. Consider the cost, risk and possible outcome before making a decision.