Monday, August 15, 2011

4 Exercises for Flat Butt

If you have a flat behind, you likely want to build your muscles so your butt looks more filled in and round. It's not so much an effort of putting on the pounds, however. Instead, you need to perform exercises that target your gluteus maximus to bulk up the muscles and give your rear a bigger and rounder look.
Lunges tone and tighten your hamstrings, thighs and gluteus maximus, allowing you to attain the rounder and bigger butt you've always wanted. To perform them, step forward with your right leg and bend your left knee until it is as close to the ground as possible without touching or causing you pain. Your right knee should be bent, but don't bend so far that it extends past your ankle. Return to the starting position and repeat on your leg. Perform at least 10 lunges on each leg to give your rear a real lift.
Squats are an exercise for toning your entire lower half, including your butt. To perform it, begin by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Then squat. Pretend that you're trying to sit in a chair. Keep your feet flat on the floor and your back straight. Hold for a few seconds before rising back up. Repeat this exercise at least 10 times several times a week to tone your rear and bulk up the underlying muscles.
Step-ups help tone both of the major muscles in your butt, including the gluteus minimus and the gluteus medius. To do this exercise, position yourself in front of some stairs and just step up onto them sideways then go back down. Repeat as many times as you can in both directions to give your booty a lift.
Kick Backs
Kick backs require that you stand in front the back of a chair or a table for support. This exercise contracts your buttocks repeatedly, helping to shape the muscles to lift your rear and make it look larger and fuller. All you have to do is stand holding onto the chair and kick your right leg back behind you. Do this several times with control. You should feel your buttocks muscles burning. Then repeat the movement on your other leg.