Be the master of the barbeque by learning how to grill a steak. Grilling a steak to perfection is not a mystery or very difficult to achieve. It is a matter of starting with a quality cut of steak, a clean hot grill, and a small amount of skill. A well grilled steak is seared to perfection until the outside sizzles, and when cut into, has just the perfect amount of pink meat and juices.
To grill steak, you will need:
- Gas or Charcoal grill
- Steak
Choosing the perfect steak. This is the moment of truth when you have to decide if your steak is tenderness or natural flavor. Filet or tenderloin are the tenderest cuts of beef, but do not necessarily have the best flavor. New York strip steak is well balanced between tenderness and flavor. Rib-eye steaks are less tender but more flavorful. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different cuts of steak.
To marinate or not to marinate. The purpose of marinade is two fold: to flavor and tenderize the steak. A good cut of quality steak doesn’t really need marinating, just salt and pepper to taste. If you decide to marinate a steak, place the meat in a dish that won’t absorb odor and soak it in the marinade for at least two hours, turning the meat every half hour. Marinade can be made from a combination of vinegar, soy sauce, garlic, onion, lemon juice, olive oil, and herbs.
Prepare the grill. Heat the grill on high for five minutes. Use a wire brush to scrape the grill clean. Let it cool for 30 minutes until the grill rack can be touched without injury. Fold a paper towel into quarters and pour some vegetable oil to it. Use the paper towel to apply a coating of oil to the cool clean grill rack. Preheat the grill on high (500 degrees F.) for up to ten minutes. For a charcoal grill, light the charcoal and wait until the coals are white and ashy before grilling.
Grill the steak. Place the steak on the hot grill and sear the outside. Searing the meat locks the flavor and juices inside the steak. Sear the first side of the steak for three minutes, turn the steak over and sear the second side for three minutes. A properly seared steak will be sizzling, especially around the edges. Grill for an additional three minutes if necessary. Use a meat thermometer to check the doneness of the steak. Medium rare is cooked to 130 degrees F., medium is achieved at 140 degrees F. Well done should be avoided when grilling steak to protect the flavor and tenderness of the meat. Remove from the grill and let the steak rest for five minutes before cutting into it.
Tips and Warnings:
If a meat thermometer is not available, check for doneness by pushing on the steak. A medium rare when pressed will feel like the base of your thumb, soft with a little spring to it. A medium steak when pressed will be a little more firm, like the lower part of the palm of your hand.
Never walk away from the grill and leave the steak unattended. Dripping fat from grilling can easily cause a flare up that can burn and ruin the steak. Keep a spray bottle filled with fresh water handy to shoot down unwanted flames.