Just how much do single men really talk about their various sexual encounters and if so just how much of the salacious sexual dirt gets spilled on the down and dirty of what happens between the sheets, or a sweaty one night stand the way it can only happen in the back seat of a car?
Do men kiss and tell?
In my gut I had a feeling that this kiss and tell investigation could potentially be a taboo territory for a woman to venture into, a sometimes confidential man’s society that I wasn’t privy to, unless I sleep with Man #1. See below for reference.
Early the next day I sent out an email to twenty-two of my handsome and sexually active male friends to dish on the kiss and tell topic.
I was surprised by the lack of response I did make me wonder were my suspicions being confirmed, was I in fact roaming into a no-mans land where no women dares to roam? I could almost see and feel myself walking across the icy slippery fields of the Antarctica fighting off the extreme forty below temps, harsh winds, and wearing no down parka.
And as I herd the deafening sound of crickets coming from my computer within a few days only six men responded out of the twenty-two. Hey, maybe my friends are in high demand and too busy?
Enough said I will let these six informative e-mails, typos and all speak for themselves.
MAN #1
Him- I can only give this info in person and between the sheets....
Me- is that a bribe?
Him- Yes...
Him- I can only give this info in person and between the sheets....
Me- is that a bribe?
Him- Yes...
MAN #2
Him-Depends on how good she is!
Me-if she sucks mums the word?
Him-Also depends on the guy... A true "playa" won't need to say anything, because everyone knows if he goes out with a girl... They're having sex.
Him-Depends on how good she is!
Me-if she sucks mums the word?
Him-Also depends on the guy... A true "playa" won't need to say anything, because everyone knows if he goes out with a girl... They're having sex.
MAN #3
As you know :) I do chat with (you mostly)
girlfriends about sex but not really at all with my
guy friends (except the usual..."we have lots of sex
As you know :) I do chat with (you mostly)
girlfriends about sex but not really at all with my
guy friends (except the usual..."we have lots of sex
Man #4
I don't know about kiss and tell, I would like to know the study of women who hold out on their men and why....
I don't know about kiss and tell, I would like to know the study of women who hold out on their men and why....
MAN #5
I have some ideas. Need to think about it.
I’m 53 so I believe it is a function of age, character and maturity. The younger you are, the more you reveal about explicit activities beneath the sheets. Due in large part to a young man’s own need to brag to male friends about his conquests in explicit detail. As you get older in your 30’s and 40’s, it generally depends on the “type” of friend you feel you wish to convey such detailed information – men or women. And, once older you tend to have more female friends as well to “maybe” discuss sexual conquests, but usually on a limited or restricted basis, knowing how much to say and not to embarrass anyone. Unless, she inquires and asks detailed questions, such as “Did you go down on her?” Then it is a simple yes or no. So it also depends on the female or male friend to ask the questions or initiate the discussion.
I have some ideas. Need to think about it.
I’m 53 so I believe it is a function of age, character and maturity. The younger you are, the more you reveal about explicit activities beneath the sheets. Due in large part to a young man’s own need to brag to male friends about his conquests in explicit detail. As you get older in your 30’s and 40’s, it generally depends on the “type” of friend you feel you wish to convey such detailed information – men or women. And, once older you tend to have more female friends as well to “maybe” discuss sexual conquests, but usually on a limited or restricted basis, knowing how much to say and not to embarrass anyone. Unless, she inquires and asks detailed questions, such as “Did you go down on her?” Then it is a simple yes or no. So it also depends on the female or male friend to ask the questions or initiate the discussion.
Moving into your 50’s, it is rare (at least for me) to “kiss and tell.” Other than a simple comment to either a female or male friend something like, “I got laid last night” - but in the case of a female, it depends on your relationship. I have a number of female friends, but don’t discuss intimate details as a matter of courtesy and keeping my own intimate details to myself. Unless, they inquire and initiate the sexual conversation. Then, I will tend to reveal more but most likely keep it limited.