Aerobic exercise, also called cardio, raises your heart rate to maximize blood flow in your body. The Mayo Clinic recommends getting between 30 and 60 minutes of moderate to intense aerobic exercise five days per week to reap its health benefits. With a range of activities from walking to kickboxing, choose an aerobic activity that you enjoy and switch things up to keep your interest and motivation high.
Weight Control
Your body must burn more calories than you consume in order to lose weight. Regular aerobic activity, along with a healthy diet, can increase your calorie deficit, allowing you to drop excess pounds or maintain a healthy body weight.
Increased Stamina
During your cardio workout, your breath quickens and your heart rate speeds up to increase the amount of oxygen in your bloodstream. Regular cardio conditions your heart, lungs and blood vessels to become more efficient at transporting oxygen to your muscles. Just as you can lift a little more weight each week as your muscles get stronger, you will be able to work out for longer with reduced fatigue as you strengthen your heart and lungs.
Improved Self-Image
According to a study in the Journal of Health Psychology, the act of working out improves overall satisfaction with your body. Even if participants had not yet met their fitness goals, the study reports, they felt the same level of body satisfaction as those who had. Additionally, aerobic exercise can ease depression, reduce anxiety and aid in relaxation.
Reduce Your Health Risk
Regular cardio activity can lower cholesterol and blood pressure while reducing your risk of developing conditions such as Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, obesity and some cancers. Walking, jogging and other weight-bearing exercises build up bone strength, reducing your risk of osteoporosis.
Live Longer
Individuals who walk the equivalent of 30 minutes per day significantly reduce their risk of premature death, says Dr. Steven Blair in a study he conducted with the Institute for Aerobics Research. According to the Mayo Clinic, three 30-minute aerobic sessions per week can slow cognitive decline in elderly adults. Not only can cardio help you to live longer, it helps you live with a better quality of life for longer.