A good cardiovascular exercise program is essential to a long healthy life. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States of America. A few factors leading to cardiovascular disease are a sedentary lifestyle, smoking and obesity. A good cardiovascular exercise routine will lead to improved cardiovascular system function, improved cellular metabolism and a reduced risk for chronic diseases.
Smart Goals
Set goals for you to achieve during the duration of your exercise routine. These goals are called SMART goals. They should be Specific to your needs. The goals should be Measurable. If you want to lose weight, say "I want to lose 3 pounds or 5 percent body fat." These things can be tracked. Make sure your goals are Acceptable to you, and do not try to reach goals set by society's idea of what you should look like or be able to do. The goals should be obtainable and Realistic. If you have never exercised before and you want to start off by running an hour every day at high intensity, that is not realistic. Set a specific Time that you want to achieve these goals and hold yourself to it.
FITT Equation
When setting up your cardio routine, use the FITT equation. Frequency, how many times a day will you exercise. Intensity, or how hard you will work out. Time, or how long your runs will last. Type, or what kind of cardio you will use to achieve your goals.
A good cardio program is used three to five days a week. Beginners should start at three days and work their way up to five.
Warm-up and Cool Down
A good warm-up lasting 5 to 10 minutes should be used to redirect blood flow to the muscles that are going to be used. The cool-down phase should last 5 to 10 minutes as well to allow blood flow and respiration to return to normal.
Preventing Illness
Consult with your physician before starting any cardiovascular exercise routine. Use caution in high heat and humidity, or over 80 degrees Fahrenheit or 60 percent humidity. If those conditions exist, lower the intensity and add rest breaks.